Pennsylvania aSSOCIATionof studentASSISTANce PROFESSIONALS |
THE PASAP VISIONPASAP believes that the health of our youth is the basis of our future. We recognize that some students are working through trauma, mental illness, unhealthy relationships, and lack of adequate external supports among other concerns that will continue to have adverse effects on their well-being. We realize that there are detrimental influences in the areas of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. As a result of this recognition, and our commitment to the well-being of our youth, PASAP is committed to supporting and networking in the areas of prevention, intervention, treatment, aftercare, ongoing support services, and education to all those individuals or organizations who foster this same commitment. |
Follow us, like, & share on social mediaPASAP strives to be a primary resource for updates, news, and support resources that are relevant to all professionals working with children and the Student Assistance Programs in Pennsylvania. Find us on the apps you use, check out what we share, and share it with others. If you discover something that our membership might find useful, share it with us! |
MAKE A DIFFERENCE: DONATE TO PASAP PASAP is an association of school personnel and community-based program specialists organized to address the needs of Pennsylvania youth in the areas of education, prevention, intervention, referral and support services to identify and reduce barriers to learning and promote mental, emotional and physical wellness. The Pennsylvania Association of Student Assistance Professionals (PASAP) is a 501c3 non-profit organization. All donations can be deemed as a charitable deduction. |
AWARD WINNERSEach year the PASAP Board of Directors recognize outstanding SAP Teams, individuals, and organizations who have demonstrated above and beyond effort in developing effective SAP Programs, extraordinary vision and distinguished service to their field. | Contact us Administrative AssistantCourtney McChesney MAILING AddressPASAP Office P.O. Box 1254 State College, PA 16804 |